Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bill to Promote High Skilled Worker/Investor Program and Eliminate Diversity Immigration Lottery Program

Representative Darreell Issa of California reintroduces a bill H.R.459 in the House yesterday to promote innovation, investment, and research in the United States and to eliminate the diversity immigrant lottery program. This bill was introduced in the 112th Congress and failed to make it. 

Just as the Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas STEM bill which was introduced at the end of the 112th Congress and failed because of his proposal to eliminate diversity immigration lottery program to give a room for employment-based and investment-based immigration programs, this bill is likely to face same challenges in the House and definitely in the Senate. 

The Congressman must have reintroduced this bill poised to bite his teeth in shaping the House version of comprehensive immigration bill. This issue may show up in the today's scheduled hearing in the House Judiciary Committee to discuss the issues of interest for the House version of immigration reform proposal. 

Democrates would have hoped that the Congressman had introduced a bill giving more employment-based immigrant visa numbers to attract and retain entrepreneurs and highly skilled and tallented foreign workers without proposing to remove the diversity immigration program. 

Again, the fundamental problem which some of the Republican legislators introduced and will introduce is that they will not promote entrepreneurs and talented immigrant worker programs unless they can achieve the purpose within the limit of current immigrant quota, demanding sacrifice of other immigration programs within the current immigration quota system. 

One of the options to achieve their goal within such bottom could have to been to propose the recapture of unused immigrant visas just as a past proposal by Republican Senator Cornyn of Texas in the past. Congressman Isaa is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. 

Full Text Of The Bill: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c113:H.R.459:

Read Rep. Isaa's press release.

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