Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa Wants E-Verify Program To Be Expanded and Permanent

Senator Chuck Grassley introduced in the Senate S.202 to expand the use of E-Verify and to hold employers accountable. Ten other Senators joined the Senate as co-sponsors including Senators John Boozman, Bob Corker, Mike Johanns, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Deb Fischer, Orrin Hatch and Mike Enzi. 

The bill is named "Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act of 2013." The bill proposes the following:
  • Permanently reauthorizes the E-Verify program that was created in 1996.
  • Makes the program mandatory for all employers within one year of date of enactment, requires federal contractors and agencies to use the program immediately, and directs “critical employers,” as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security, to use the system immediately upon designation.
  • Increases penalties for employers who illegally hire undocumented workers.
  • Reduces the liability that employers face if they participate in E-Verify when it involves the wrongful termination of an individual.
  • Allows employers to use E-Verify before a person is hired, and requires them to check the status of all current employees within 3 years.
  • Requires employers to terminate the employment of those found unauthorized to work due to a check through E-Verify.
  • Helps ensure that the Social Security Administration catches multiple uses of Social Security numbers by requiring them to develop algorithms to detect anomalies.
  • Establishes a demonstration project in a rural area or area without internet capabilities to assist small businesses in complying with the participation requirement.
  • Amends the criminal code to make clear that defendants who possess or otherwise use identity information not their own without lawful authority and in the commission of another felony is still punishable for aggravated identity fraud, regardless of the defendant’s “knowledge” of the victim.
  • Requires employers to re-verify an employee’s immigration status if the employment authorization is due to expire.
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