15 Minute News helps you to get the latest news of nearly any topic you want (Immigration, USCIS, Senate, Google, your favorite celebrity, etc). We have pre-populated it with few search terms. It searches through over 1000 websites globally and shows the most popular results at that time. You can find out what is going on with CIR bill, USCIS updates, or even your favorite TV show(s) anytime day or night.
In addition, it will also save all your search terms on left side navigation. This makes it easy for you to search them as often as you like by simply clicking on them from left side navigation. The searches are saved in a cookie located on your computer. If you use a different computer the search list would not be available (though it is very easy to add them again by simply searching for them).
You can also select how many results to retrieve: 10, 20 or 30.
Example: Search for USCIS, select 30 results to retrieve and click "Go" button. The system will immediately display top 30 results (sorted by time). It will also add USCIS to left side navigation under "My Search Terms".
If you want to remove anything from "My Search Terms", simply click on the "x" icon on the right side of each search term and it will remove it completely. The news gets updated every 15 minutes.
Please let us know what you think of this new feature in the comments below.
PS: Feature # 2 (PD Calculator) and # 3 (Hidden VB) will be released around May 17 - 18 and we are hoping you guys will love it :)
Direct Link to Hourly News: http://www.mygcvisa.com/news/
Love the 15 minutes news. It is very easy and simple to use.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to the PD Calculator. :-)
Thank you Anonymous. It should be ready by tomorrow.
DeleteWhat is this " hidden VB" ??
ReplyDeleteYou can find the hidden visa bulletin on DOS website (if any) before they officially release it to public.
DeleteThis is a great service. I'm loving it!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Goke. Please let us know if you have suggestions to improve it further.
DeleteHi Amazon, again thank you so much for all that you do. I just wanted to ask you about when do you think they will updates the inventory. Thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Carmen, It could probably be around May 27-28. I would prefer if they release it around June 8. This way it would also include thousands (or tens of thousands) of EB3 ROW who would be filing between May 1 and June 8.