Sunday, June 30, 2019

“Northern Mariana Islands Long-Term Legal Residents Relief Act” Guidance for Certain Individuals Present in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)

USCIS announced today it will automatically extend parole, and employment authorization if applicable, for certain residents of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). This extension of parole will provide relief while USCIS establishes procedures for obtaining the new CNMI Resident status, which was created by the Northern Mariana Islands Long-Term Legal Residents Relief Act (PDF) (Public Law 116-24), signed by President Trump on June 25, 2019.

Extending Parole

Parole for individuals under the previous <a target='_blank' href="

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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tools Outage

USCIS will conduct a widespread system maintenance on Friday, June 28, 2019 to Saturday, June 29, 2019, from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. (Eastern) and Sunday, June 30, 2019 from 5 a.m. until 6 p.m. (Eastern).

During this time you may experience technical difficulties and many of our online tools may be unavailable, including:

  • Check My Case Status
  • e-Request
  • Change of Address Online
  • Check Processing Times
  • Civil Surgeon Locator
  • FOIA Status Check
  • Office Locator
  • File Online
  • myUSCIS Online Account 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Friday, June 28, 2019

USCIS Acting Director Cuccinelli Response to Amicus Brief Filed by AFGE Local 1924 Leadership

WASHINGTON—Today, USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli issued the following statement blasting the amicus brief filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by AFGE Local 1924 leadership.

“Union leadership continues to play games while the border crisis intensifies. Lives are being lost, detention facilities are unsustainably overcrowded, and illegal aliens with frivolous claims continue to overwhelm our system. The fact of the matter remains that our officers signed up to protect the truly vulnerable, our asylum system, and most importantly, our country. A cheap political stunt helps no one and certainly does not help to contain this crisis.

“Our Southern border is facing a daily crisis of

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

USCIS Expands FIRST: A Fully Digital FOIA System

WASHINGTON— USCIS is announcing the expansion of its digital Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Immigration Records System (FIRST). FIRST is the only system in the U.S. government that allows users to submit and track FOIA requests and receive documents digitally. This process will save time, improve efficiency, and reduce potential errors that can occur with manually handling paper.

Starting today, FOIA requestors with a USCIS online account can submit requests online for their own records. Soon, they will be able to submit online requests for non-A-File material (policies, communications, etc.) Later this year, USCIS online account holders can make requests on behalf of another person.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Naturalization Fact Sheet

The United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. During the last decade, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) welcomed more than 7.4 million naturalized citizens into the fabric of our nation. In fiscal year 2018, over 757,000 people were naturalized.

Deciding to become a U.S. citizen can be a very important milestone in an immigrant’s life. Individuals must demonstrate a commitment to the unifying principles that bind us as Americans and, in return, will enjoy many of the rights and privileges that are fundamental to U.S. citizenship.

About the Naturalization Process

Individuals age 18 or older seeking to become a citizen of the United

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Grace Period Extended for Previous Edition of Form I-918

We are extending the grace period for the previous edition of Form I-918, Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, including Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification, through Dec. 31, 2019. Starting Jan. 1, 2020, we will only accept a Form I-918 with edition date 04/24/19.

The current edition of Form I-918 available on the USCIS website is dated 04/24/19. We previously indicated that starting July 2, 2019, we would only accept the 04/24/19 edition. USCIS understands that a two-month transition period may provide a limited grace period specifically for Form I-918, Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certifications, so we have extended this grace period. You can find the e

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

USCIS Will No Longer Accept I-407 at International Field Offices

Beginning July 1, USCIS will no longer accept Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status at international field offices by mail or in person.

Individuals who wish to voluntarily record abandonment of their lawful permanent resident (LPR) status must submit Form I-407 via mail to:

USCIS Eastern Forms Center
Attn: I-407 unit
124 Leroy Road
PO Box 567
Williston, VT 05495

We anticipate that processing times at the Eastern Forms Center, from receipt to completion, will be within 60 days, which does not include mailing time to or from outside of the United States.

In ver

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Monday, June 17, 2019

USCIS Aims to Decrease Processing Times for N-400 and I-485

USCIS will implement a national strategy to decrease differences in processing times based on location for Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, and Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.

Since the end of 2015, we have experienced an increase in processing times due to higher than expected volumes received during fiscal years (FY) 2016 and 2017 that did not decrease as originally projected. FY 2017 receipts were up 15.6% from FY 2016, and FY 2016 receipts were up 25.5% from FY 2015. The increased filing volumes did not affect our field offices equally, which resulted in some d

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Visa Bulletin August 2019 Predictions

For official July 2019 Visa Bulletin and analysis, please click here:

Please see August 2019 Visa Bulletin Predictions below (for both Family Based and Employment Based):

Family Based:
Final Action Dates
Dates For Filing Applications
"Final Action Date" is the date when when USCIS/DOS may render their final decision on submitted applications. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability 
Areas Except
Those Listed
"Date for Filing Application" is the date when you can submit I-485/NVC applications to USCIS/DOS. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability 
Areas Except
Those Listed

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Presidential Memorandum on Enforcing the Legal Responsibilities of Sponsors of Aliens

Kenneth T. “Ken” Cuccinelli II Acting Director, USCISOn May 23, 2019, the President issued a Presidential Memorandum on Enforcing the Legal Responsibilities of Sponsors of Aliens. The memorandum directs relevant federal agencies to update or issue procedures, guidance, and regulations to comply with current law and ensure that ineligible immigrants do not receive federal

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

July 2019 Visa Bulletin Analysis

For July 2019 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

Please see below analysis of July 2019 Visa Bulletin:

Family Based:
Final Action Dates
Dates For Filing Applications
"Final Action Date" is the date when when USCIS/DOS may render their final decision on submitted applications. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability
Areas Except
Those Listed
F1+22 Days+22 Days+22 Days-1 Year 7 Days+2 Months
F2A+1 Year 11 Months 17 Days+1 Year 11 Months 17 Days+1 Year 11 Months 17 Days+2 Years+1 Year 11 Months 17 Days
F2B+3 Months 17 Days+3 Months 17 Days+3 Months 17 Days+1 Month+1 Month 16 Days
F3+2 Months 17 Days+2 Months 17 Days+2 Months 17 Days-7 Months 21 Days+6 Months
F4+2 Months 14 Days+2 Months 14 Days+7 Days-1 Year 1 Month 7 Days+7 Months
"Date for Filing Application" is the date when you can submit I-485/NVC applications to USCIS/DOS. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability
Areas Except
Those Listed
F1+1 Month+1 Month+1 Month+7 Days+9 Days
F2ANo ChangeNo ChangeNo ChangeNo ChangeNo Change
F2B+7 Days+7 Days+7 Days+7 Days+1 Month
F3+17 Days+17 Days+17 Days+7 Days+3 Months
F4+14 Days+14 Days+7 Days+7 Days+4 Months

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July 2019 Visa Bulletin

For June 2019 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

For analysis of July 2019 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

July 2019 Visa Bulletin has been officially released (valid from July 1 to July 31 only). Please see below for more details.

Family Based:
Final Action Dates
Dates For Filing Applications
"Final Action Date" is the date when when USCIS/DOS may render their final decision on submitted applications. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability 
Areas Except
Those Listed
F1 08MAR12
08MAR12 08MAR12 01AUG96 22AUG07
F2B 01SEP13 01SEP13 01SEP13 15APR98 01JAN08
F3 08MAR07 08MAR07 08MAR07 01JUL95 01AUG97
F4 15JUN06 15JUN06 22AUG04 01JAN97 01JAN98
"Date for Filing Application" is the date when you can submit I-485/NVC applications to USCIS/DOS. Your priority date should be before this date.
All Chargeability 
Areas Except
Those Listed
F1 08NOV12 08NOV12 08NOV12 22OCT99 01MAY08
F2A 08MAR19 08MAR19 08MAR19 08MAR19 08MAR19
F2B 15AUG14 15AUG14 15AUG14 22DEC98 01AUG08
F3 08SEP07 08SEP07 08SEP07 08JUL00 01FEB98
F4 15DEC06 15DEC06 22APR05 08DEC98 01JUL98

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July 2019 Visa Bulletin Special Notes

For the official July 2019 Visa Bulletin and analysis, please click here:

Apart from posting current dates, State Department has also added special notes to Visa Bulletin mentioned above. Please see full details below:


F2A: This category has become "Current" for July, and is expected to remain so through September. This action has been taken in an effort to generate an increased level of demand. Despite the large amount of registered F2A demand, currently there are not enough applicants who are actively pursuing final action on their case to fully utilize all of the available numbers under the annual limit.

Once large numbers of F2A applicants do begin to have their cases brought to final action, it will be necessary to establish a date in an effort to control number use within the annual limit. Therefore, readers should be aware that this "Current" status will not continue indefinitely, but it is not possible to say at present how soon corrective action will be required.


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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New Zealand Nationals Eligible for E-1 and E-2 Nonimmigrant Classifications

Certain New Zealand nationals can now request a change of status to the E-1 nonimmigrant trader classification and the E-2 nonimmigrant investor classification under Public Law 115-226. Beginning June 10, eligible New Zealand nationals already in the United States in a lawful nonimmigrant status can file Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, to request a change of status to E-1 or E-2 classification, or a qualifying employer can file Form I-129 on their behalf. Spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age of E-1 and E-2 nonimmigrants, and employees who are al

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Cuccinelli Named Acting Director of USCIS

WASHINGTON— Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan today announced that Kenneth T. (Ken) Cuccinelli will serve as the new acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), effective June 10, 2019.

Cuccinelli will lead an agency of 19,000 employees and contractors who are responsible for administering our nation’s lawful immigration system while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values. In fiscal year 2018 alone, USCIS adjudicated more than 8.7 million requests for immigration benefits.

“I am honored to be given the opportunity to lead U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at this critical time and ser

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Cap Reached for Additional H-2B Visas for FY 2019

USCIS has received enough petitions to reach the additional maximum 30,000 visas made available for returning workers under the H-2B numerical limit (also called a cap) for fiscal year (FY) 2019.

As previously announced, USCIS began accepting H-2B petitions on May 8 under the temporary final rule increasing the cap by up to 30,000 additional H-2B nonimmigrant visas for returning workers through the end of FY 2019.

USCIS will reject and return any cap-subject petitions received after June 5, together with any accompanying filing fees.

USCIS will continue to accept H-2B petitions th

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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Premium Processing Begins for Remaining H-1B Cap-Subject Petitions on June 10

On June 10, we will begin premium processing for all remaining FY 2020 H-1B cap-subject petitions. Starting on that date, petitioners may file Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, with the USCIS service center that is processing their petition.

On March 19, we announced that we would offer premium processing in a two-phased approach during the FY 2020 cap season to best manage premium processing requests without fully suspending it. In the past few years, we suspended all premium processing for H-1B petitions due t

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

USCIS Assists in Conviction and Sentencing of Visa Fraud Perpetrator

ORLANDO, Fla.A federal court in Orlando sentenced Marvin Mushia Smith to 10 months’ imprisonment for visa fraud after a multi-year investigation by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Orlando’s Homeland Security Investigation team (HSI) and various other U.S. federal agencies. Mushia Smith filed numerous visa requests of alleged “required” temporary nonagricultural workers, called the H-2B visa, between 2014 and 2018.

U.S. District Judge Carlos E. Mendoza sentenced Mushia Smith, 41 years of age. Smith had pleaded guilty on August 14, 2018, and was sentenced last Friday.

According to court documents, in April 2017,

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

USCIS Updates Rejection Criteria for Form I-129

On August 5, USCIS will begin rejecting Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, petitions that do not include the petitioner’s or applicant’s name and primary U.S. office address in Part 1 of Form I-129.

USCIS currently rejects Form I-129 for several reasons. These include, but are not limited to, lack of signature, incorrect fees, or unauthorized third party signing on behalf of the petitioner. 

DHS regulations require every form to be submitted in accordance with the form instructions, and allow USCIS to reject any benefit request that is not filed in compliance with the regulations governing the specific benefit reque

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

USCIS Releases 2018 Statistical Annual Report

WASHINGTON— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today released the Fiscal Year 2018 Statistical Annual Report (PDF, 4.48 MB), which provides statistical information on the most popular and widely-used benefits and programs administered by the agency. The report also provides insight into the nature and scope of USCIS’ work, which involves adjudicating millions of applications and petitions for immigration benefits annually. 

“The 2018 USCIS Statistical Annual Report re

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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Tools Outage

USCIS will conduct a widespread system maintenance on Sunday, June 2, 2019, from 5 a.m. until 6 p.m. (Eastern).

During this time you may experience technical difficulties and many of our online tools may be unavailable, including:

  • Check My Case Status
  • e-Request
  • Change of Address Online
  • Check Processing Times
  • Civil Surgeon Locator
  • FOIA Status Check
  • Office Locator
  • File Online
  • myUSCIS Online Account 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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