Friday, June 7, 2013

July 2013 Demand Data

Demand Data for July 2013 Visa Bulletin has been released. Please see details below:

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Discuss With Everyone:


  1. what do you mean with EB3ROW: Between 50 and 100?

    demand for only 50-100 applicants?

    Thank you,

    1. Yes, for EB3 ROW, July demand data will only be around 50-100 till Jan 1, 2013 PD.

    2. This is why dates for EB3 ROW are likely to move around 5-6 months in July 2013 VB.

    3. what about EB3-I will it be 22 Jan 2003 or 8 Feb 2003.

  2. Why only 100 cases in eb3 row since it has been moved almost 15 monts in last 3 months.

    1. Its currently at 400. It will move a lot in Aug 2013 Demand Data.

  3. What do you mean when you say that EB3 ROW demand data will only be around 50-100 till Jan 1, 2013 PD? What is this January 1, 2013 date? PD stands for priority date, right? MY PD is August 09, and I'm hoping to become current this summer. Is this likely? Thanks, and your site is wonderful by the way!:)

    1. Demand data includes all preadjudicated cases (with USCIS and US consulates). Currently it is at 400. It means only 400 cases have currently been preadjudicated. Cases which were directly assigned GC will not appear in demand data.

  4. Dear Amazon: Will this info give a little prediciton to when my PD become current. I have a PD of EB 3 ROW July 29th 2009.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Carmen, please see this post:

      We will continue to update that post as we get more information and data from USCIS.

  5. July 2013 demand data is now available

  6. Can someone please explain what exactly Demand Data means? or lead me to a site where I can read about it.
    I'm EB3-ROW. I now things have been moving faster lately. Yet, I'm not informed in all the in-and-outs of the procedures.
    Thanks a lot. This is a very good website too. I have been following for a few days now. Trying to educate myself.

    1. what is your priority date? The date your employer submitted your Labor Certification.

    2. Same for me, I do not understand much on how will that affect my PD. I am EB 3 ROW PD July 29th 2009. Can you also help see when my date could become current?

    3. Also, thanks to everyone helping. I find this page wonderful <3

    4. Hi. I posted the original post asking about what Demand Data means. My PD is OCT 6, 2010. EB-ROW. Thanks for your replay.

    5. Demand Data consists of pre-adjudicated I-485s and is always used as an indicator of how bulletin will move forward. If your PD is October 2010, there's a big chance that Department of Labor will move past your date in August 2013 visa bulletin. Hopefully, you can file for your I-485 in two months.

    6. Thanks a lot! wow! August 2013 is just around the corner.. then I suppose 2009 will fly by on VBs?

    7. Thank you for the info. My PD is 29th of Oct 2009, EB3 ROW. Next week I will be flying for a two months vacation in Europe. According to your posting 2009 will fly by on VBs. Should I trust that your information is coming from a valid source or is just guessing? Should I change my vacation plans?

    8. You will know more on Monday when they release the July visa bulletin.

    9. Thank you for the suggestion; however from the above comment I got the impression that whoever posted it knows more that the rest of us do, maybe I was wrong. It would be much appreciated if some people would not make assumptions and mislead the rest of us...........

    10. "Hi. I posted the original post asking about what Demand Data means. "

      This is a very common question. I will create a blog post about this little later.

    11. "Thank you for the suggestion; however from the above comment I got the impression that whoever posted it knows more that the rest of us do, maybe I was wrong. It would be much appreciated if some people would not make assumptions and mislead the rest of us..........."

      Please always check if the reply is by Amazon or from Anonymous. Based on current data, EB3 ROW is expected to move around Jan 2009 in July VB. It will either move very slowly or STOP moving completely in Aug and Sept VB. There is a separate article just for EB3 categories about VB date movement.

      We will continue to update that article as we get more details from USCIS.

  7. Does this mean EB3 ROW could actually be current in the coming months, just like EB2 ROW?

    1. EB3 ROW is not likely to be current this fiscal year (till Sept 2013). There is a small possibility that it could become current next year. Please see this article:

  8. Dear Amazon and everyone I found the Hidden Visa Bullentin.

    1. Thanks Carmen. Another reader also alerted us. We have already added the blog post about it. :)

    2. Thanks for posting this Carmen! :) It gives me something less to think about over the weekend.

  9. You were right about my category EB3 ROW 2009, I am PD July 29th 2009. I am scared now that it wont get current any time soon...

    1. The PD is likely to be current later this year. We will know more after doing more number crunching based on latest data.

  10. The visa bulletin is officially out

  11. HI so I've been reading this thread, I'm EB3ROW with priority date Dec 2010, so just to confirm you said that there is a small possibility that EB3ROW will become current next year? So this probably means that it will definitely become current for me sometime next year then and I can file my I-485?

    1. Hi Anonymous, we received a LOT of data from USCIS/DOS today. We will have to do some number crunching on these data to get a good estimate of VB movements next year.

    2. Thanks a lot for everything. I "like" your page on FB and turned on the Alerts so whenever you post something I can read it right away. Thanks for all the information!
      Im EB3-ROW - OCT 2010. I hope my PD will be eligible next fiscal year.. it to me seems realistic based on what I've seen in the past few months.

    3. Thank you anonymous. It is definitely possible for EB3 ROW to reach that date in 2014.

  12. Hi Amazon,
    What about Me, my PD is Sept 2007 but EB3-Philippines, will I have a chance to be current this year? Thanks a lot and happy weekend!

  13. Does this mean that official things won't move for at least 2 months for ROW EB3? -- I took this from the latest VB page.
    "Employment Third:
    Worldwide: No additional movement. This cut-off date has advanced 18 months during the past three months. Such rapid movement can be expected to generate a significant amount of new demand, with the impact not being felt for three to five months. Therefore, the cut-off date will be held until it can be determined what level of demand is to be expected, and whether it is likely to be sustained."

    1. Yes, it is either likely to not move forward or retrogress if demand is very high. We will have to wait for updated data from USCIS for I-485 pending inventory.

    2. Thanks! Is this data released every month? or how does it work?

    3. Yes, demand data is released every month. It helps them decide the monthly VB cutoff dates.

  14. Any chance of EB3-india Mar 4 2003 PD be current in Sep 2013 visa bulletin? That is 5 weeks from the current July 2013 visa bulletin cut off date (22 jan 2003).

    1. Yes, it is likely to be current in the Sept VB.

  15. hi amazon... im from f2a... what do you mean that it can become current in some point in coming months... current means? pls reply... thank you so much

    1. Current means that everyone can file I-485 application (even if PD is June 2013).

      So cutoff date for F2A worldwide category could move to September 2013 (from Oct 2011).

    2. It is very comforting to hear that. Thank you so much for taking time to reply so quickly.

  16. bec my pd is oct 2012 ,meaning i can process my application... one more amazon, how come f2a can be current? with so many applicants under f2a

    1. Wow, you are fast. Yes, when dates become current, you will be able to file I-485 application.

      The reason F2A COULD be current is that USCIS wants to know how many applicants are in the line to file I-485 application. This will help them later in moving the dates accurately forward. Currently they do not know how many people will be filing I-485 application.

      This could mean that once USCIS knows the demand, they could start retrogressing the dates (so that the annual quota for F2A is not exceeded and also visas are not wasted).

  17. thanks amazon... i reaallly appreciate ur replies... so it will have retrogression after? thats so sad .. hope not too far with my pd

    1. amazon do u think after that theres a possibility that date will move backward ? scared it moved back to 2010 again

    2. Dates could retrogress once enough I-485 application have been filed. It could move to around Jul 2011. We will add this in new blog post (analysis of july VB).

    3. ok thank uuu ... waiting for the new blog ... thankuuu ... u help everyone of us who are stressed and worried about when our pd's will be current ...

    4. A small correction above: Instead of July 2011, dates could move to around Sept 2012.

    5. oh really ... thanks if that will happen ... close to my pd...waiting for your new blog ... thnk u amazon ...

    6. Firstly, your website is simply superb and answers from Amazon are truly Amazing, both in speed and clarity. Keep it up :).

      I have a few queries: Is the I-485 filed for both EB and FB categories? If yes, is I-485 filed immediately once the PD becomes current? (for instance, if all f2a dates become current in Aug/Sep VB, do all the applicants for the two years until June 2013 fill I-485 immediately? in such a case, does the waiting period get longer at I-485 stage because there are too many applicants?)

      After I-485 is filed, what is the processing time for CSC? According to the CSC website, processing time frame for I-130 corresponding to F2A is September 23, 2011. What does this mean? Is it the same as PD date or is it anything else?

      Lastly, IF retrogression takes place, does it mean all PDs before September 2012 will be issued green card as soon as I-485s are processed at the service centers?

      I saw somehwere that f2a has three stages - USCIS, respective Service Center and then local consular office in the applicant's country. If yes, in the current scenario, for f2a applicants in 2012, what is the time to receive a gc?

    7. Hi Anonymous, could you please post this question in the forum:

      It would be much easier to answer each of these nine questions over there. Thank you.

    8. Done, eagerly waiting for responses. Not sure when I will actually get my gc but your website, and more importantly your crystal clear responses at such an amazing speed, DEFINITELY lessen the burden on the mind. And I see that there are many who echo my thoughts. Thanks for the great work Amazon :)

    9. amazon... just want to ask also, when are we going to receive the noa2? after how many mos? can file i 485 without it? thank uuu

    10. First you have to check whether your application is within the average processing time. Here is the link to find out:

      If it is more than the average time listed, you can contact USCIS (phone number on right side of this page) and asked them to open a service request.

      You can also join us in forum:

  18. Hello - my PD is Dec 27, 2007 EB 2 India. Any i have I-485 pending approval. Any idea when my PD will go current and I finally get my GC?

    1. It could reach that date in Aug or Sept VB. It depends on amount of spillovers and porting rate.

  19. Hi Amazon. Thanks for your website and time in answering questions.

    I have a question - I am Family Based F3 (ROW) category with Priority Date 4th November 2002. Do you think this is likely to become current in the August 2013 VB or later?


  20. Hi Amazon,
    Thanks for your blog, it really gives good info.
    It seems like for EB2-I in before 1-Jan-2008 8050 applications waiting to get their GC. At 1-Jan-2009 24,200 applications are waiting. At 1-Jan-2010 38,050 applications are waiting. Does this means that at 1-Jan-2010 it is included all prior year applications or 38,050 it just alone for the year 2009?

    1. It is cumulative demand and includes numbers from previous years.

    2. Thanks Amazon,
      This is really surprising. the year whole 2008 and 2009 were totally recession impacted years. But in these year s in 2008 around 24000 and in 2009 around 38000 GC applications been filed. May be in these number the EB3 to EB2 ported numbers included. But at the end in 1 Jan 2013 both EB2-EB3 numbers almost same. Does this mean since 2-3 years people only filed in EB2 at most?

    3. Since dates for EB2 India did not move till May 2010, the demand only is till May 2010 for EB2 India and around July 2007 for EB3 India.

      It should also include people porting from EB3 to EB2 (though people porting should not be visible in the EB2 India until a visa number is available).
