Wednesday, January 29, 2014

USCIS EB I-485 & I-140 Processing Statistics As Of 11/30/13

USCIS EB I-140 Processing Statistics 

 TSC NSC National
Pending 7,665 1,849 9,558
Customer Action Wait 966 2,833 3,799
Completed 2,462 1,550 4,013
New Receipt 2,653 1,733 4,386

The number of completed cases in most categories decreased at both NSC and TSC in the last one month.

USCIS EB I-485 Processing Statistics

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Monday, January 27, 2014

EB And FB Green Cards Alloted in Fiscal Year 2013

Please see below table describing the employment based and family based green card quota and actual allocation for fiscal year (FY) 2013:

Family Based:

All Countries:

CategoryQuotaActual Allocation

Around 10,000 visas were wasted in FB category in the FY 2013. This will be allotted to EB category in FY 2014. Please see this blog post for more details.

Employment Based:

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Friday, January 24, 2014

USCIS Extends Relief Measures for Filipino Typhoon Victims

If you know anyone from Philippines, please forward this blog post to them.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reminds those affected by Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the Philippines on Nov. 8, 2013, of agency efforts to provide relief to victims of the typhoon.
Filipino nationals in the United States should visit to learn about a series of existing relief measures that may be available to them if requested. These relief measures include:
  • A change or extension of nonimmigrant status for an individual currently in the United States, even when the request is filed after the authorized period of admission has expired;
  • An extension of certain grants of parole made by USCIS;
  • An extension of certain grants of advance parole, and expedited processing of advance parole requests;
  • Expedited adjudication and approval, where possible, of requests for off-campus employment authorization for F-1 students experiencing severe economic hardship;
  • Expedited processing of immigrant petitions for immediate relatives of U.S. citizens;
  • Expedited adjudication of employment authorization applications, where appropriate; and
  • Assistance to LPRs stranded overseas without immigration or travel documents, such as Permanent Resident Cards (Green Cards). USCIS and the Department of State will coordinate on these matters when the LPR is stranded in a place that has no local USCIS office.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EB3 Philippines: Fiscal Year 2014 Movement

One of the readers asked me about EB3 Philippines movement in 2014.

I did some number crunching and it looks like EB3 Philippines could have a big jump forward by around 8-12 months around April or May VB. It could continue to move forward another 4-6 months total in the next few VB's.

This is based on expected spillovers from both EB and FB category as well as other factors typically applied by USCIS/DOS to calculate visa bulletin movement.

These numbers are based on around 4 months old data (I-485 pending inventory with Oct 1 data and November 2013 demand data based on Oct 8 data). The latest inventory could give more accurate data and hence expected forward movement in all EB categories.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

Senate and House Calendar 2014

Senate Calendar 2014:

113th Congress, 2nd Session

The tentative schedule for 2014 has been announced. The list below identifies expected non-legislative periods (days that the Senate will not be in session). The schedule is also available in calendar format (pdf image). The 2013 tentative schedule is still available.

Date Action Note
Jan 6 Convene  
Jan 20 - Jan 24 State Work Period Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Feb 17 - Feb 21 State Work Period Presidents' Day- Feb 17
Mar 17 - Mar 21 State Work Period  
Apr 14 - Apr 25 State Work Period  
May 26 - May 30 State Work Period Memorial Day- May 26
Jun 30 - Jul 4 State Work Period Independence Day- Jul 4
Aug 4 - Sep 5 State Work Period Labor Day- Sep 1
Target Adjournment Date TBD

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Friday, January 17, 2014

F2A Category: Fiscal Year 2014 Movement

The AILA Department of State Liaison Committee has been informed by the State Department that due to the demand of F2A visas by Mexican nationals, the Mexico F2A visa preference category is expected to retrogress in the spring of FY2014.

If the return rate for this visa category decreases, the retrogression may come sooner than spring of FY2014. There is a 50% return rate worldwide for F2A visas which may be due to the fact that some applicants will convert to Immediate Relative visas in order to take advantage of the Provisional Waiver Program or some marriages may terminate before the visa is available.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

March 2014 Visa Bulletin Predictions

For January 2014 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

For March 2013 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

Please see March 2014 Visa Bulletin Predictions below (for both Family Based and Employment Based):

Quick Summary:
  • EB1, EB4, EB 5: Current
  • EB2 Rest Of World: Current
    EB2 China: 4 weeks (still behind EB3 China)
    EB2 India: 0 day. Please see article
  • EB3 (ROW, China, Mexico): 0 to 2.5 months. Please see article.
    EB3 India: 0 day
    EB3 Philippines: 4-8 weeks
  • FB categories: 1-5 weeks. Please see article.
  • F2A: 0 day. It is likely to remain at this date for next few months.

Please Note: These numbers do not include the 10,000 additional unused visas from FB category to EB category.

Family Based:

Family-Sponsored All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed CHINA- mainland born INDIA MEXICO PHILIPPINES
F1 22JAN07 22JAN07 22JAN07 08OCT93 22SEP01
F2A 08SEP13 08SEP13 08SEP13 01SEP13 08SEP13
F2B 22AUG06 22AUG06 22AUG06 01MAY93 22JUN03
F3 15JUN03 15JUN03 15JUN03 08JUN93 15FEB93
F4 15NOV01 15NOV01 15NOV01 15NOV96 15SEP90

Employment Based:

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

February 2014 Visa Bulletin Analysis

For February 2014 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

Please see below analysis of February 2014 Visa Bulletin:

EB1: All EB1 categories are current and should continue to remain current for fiscal year. Demand continues to be around 1000-1200 every month.

EB2 ROW: This category continues to remain current. Demand in EB2ROW continues to be very low at an average of around 300 per month. This is good news for EB2 India and China, as they could get a higher spillover in FY 2014.

EB2 China: As expected, EB2 China also moved forward by 4 weeks. It should continue to move forward around 3 to 5 weeks per month. It is still be behind EB3 China which is ahead by more than 3 years.

EB2 India: There was no change in EB2 India movement. As we had mentioned earlier, there was huge retrogression in EB2 India due to large amount of porting from EB3 India to EB2 India. We have added a blog post exclusive to EB2 India movement in fiscal year 2014. Also please see this blog post for updates in EB2 (India, ROW and China) category.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

February 2014 Visa Bulletin

For January 2014 Visa Bulletin, please click here:

February 2014 Visa Bulletin has been released (valid from February 1 to February 28 only). Please see below for more details.

Family Based:

Family-Sponsored All Charge -ability Areas Except Those Listed CHINA- mainland born INDIA MEXICO PHILIPPINES
F1 01JAN07 01JAN07 01JAN07 01OCT93 15AUG01
F2B 08JUL06 08JUL06 08JUL06 01MAY93 22MAY03
F3 15MAY03 15MAY03 15MAY03 01JUN93 08FEB93
F4 22OCT01 22OCT01 22OCT01 08NOV96 08AUG90

Employment Based:

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

February 2014 Demand Data

Demand data is used by DOS to calculate the monthly visa bulletin dates. If you are not familiar with demand data, please see this article: What is Demand Data?

This blog post is a place holder in case DOS decides to release February 2014 demand data. As many of you know, they did not release the December 2013 and January 2014 demand data.

EB2 India: As many of you know, due to huge demand from EB3 India porting to EB2 India, USCIS had to stop allocating visas to EB2 India category from November 20. EB2 India dates moved back to November 2004 due to this heaving demand from porters from EB3 category.

Currently the porting cases are been counted twice in both EB3 and EB2 category (since they do not have a system to accurately track various porting cases). Please see article.

EB3 ROW: The  real demand for EB3 ROW/Mexico/China should start showing up in the next I-485 pending inventory. However since VB dates keep moving forward and visa is available, not all cases would appear in the January demand data. This is because demand data only contains preadjudicated cases (and CP cases).

Currently it takes about 4+ months to process I-485 and preadjudicate case. Hence demand data for these categories could appear to be low, though dates have moved by 3+ years.

The most accurate data would show up in the I-485 pending inventory. However the latest version has data only till October 1.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

USCIS US Citizen I-129F, I-130 & I-485 Processing Statistics As Of 10/31/13

Please see below latest US Citizen Beneficiary Statistics released by USCIS:

USCIS I-130 - Immediate Relative Category Processing Statistics:

CSC VSC National
All Other Pending 8,091 11,918 379,608
Customer action waiting 2,096 1,964 4,096
Completed 1,315 812 26,365
New receipts 81 1,500 47,416

CSC = California Service Center 
VSC = Vermont Service Center 
USCIS I-129F Processing Statistics:

CSC VSC National
All Other Pending 2,141 2,062 11,505
Customer action waiting 2,419 656 4,245
Completed 3,263 535 7,493
New receipts 1,581 13 4,002

USCIS I-485 Processing Statistics: 

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