Senate: CIR bill (S.744) was introduced by Senate "Gang of 8" on April 17, 2013. You can read the highlights of bill here. By May 7, over 300 amendments (changes) were filed by various Senators in Senate Judiciary Committee. The Committee began consideration of the legislation on May 9, 14, 16, 20 and 21. In these five days, 212 amendments were considered and voted upon. Out of these 212 amendments, 141 amendments were adopted. On evening of May 21, the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 13-5 vote decided to pass the CIR bill from the committee. So whats next?
Harry Reid (Senate Majority Leader) will introduce the CIR bill on the floor around June 10, 2013. There will be more amendments (changes) introduced by all members of Senate (around 100 amendments which were not considered in Senate Judiciary Committee may also be reintroduced gain). Recently Bob Menendez, who is a member of Gang of 8 and democrat, said that Senate does not even have 60 votes necessary to pass this bill. We will have to wait and see what amendments will be introduced in Senate next month and how long would it take to get the 60 votes necessary to pass the bill.
You can view the list of amendments here:
Key Issues:
a. How will border be effectively secured?
b. Healthcare for millions of undocumented (illegal) immigrants.
c. How insistent Congress should be that the administration create a nationwide electronic verification system to check workers’ legal status.
d. Conservative Republicans oppose giving any amnesty to undocumented immigrants.